Category Archives: oligarchy

Extreme Inequality and Oligarchy

Published on Oxfam America’s Politics of Poverty blog 

Is the U.S. an oligarchy?

I want to throw out an interesting concept, and discuss how it relates to extreme inequality: Oligarchy. According to Jeffrey Winters, author of this fascinating book that I am reading,  oligarchy refers to the politics of wealth defense by a minority who possess incredibly large fortunes. Oligarchs are actors controlling massive concentrations of material power they can use to defend or enhance their personal wealth. Oligarchs may pursue other political ends, but defending their wealth is their fundamental existential interest.

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Why did Oxfam target the billionaires at Davos?

Published on Oxfam America’s Politics of Poverty blog

It’s time they pay their taxes, stop using wealth to influence politics.

Whew! What a week for Oxfam!

On Monday, we released a new report on global inequality, “Working For the Few: Political Capture and Economic Inequality,”  targeted at the participants attending the World Economic Forum in Davos this week. These folks represent the global economic elite – the real movers and shakers of the world economy who heavily influence economic policymaking.

The media response has been overwhelming. Here’s a sample: Continue reading