Category Archives: Sustainable Development Goals

You can’t have one without the other: Reducing extreme poverty depends on inequality

Published on Oxfam America’s Politics of Poverty blog

Looking at projections in 10 countries.

For the most part, we anticipate that countries will grow their economies in the coming years. Growth means more financial resources available to reduce extreme poverty by creating jobs, increasing social services, and building stronger safety nets. However, if governments fail to ensure the benefits of growth are shared with the most vulnerable, then poverty reduction will be minimal. This can happen if the benefits of growth only accrue to the richest.

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Stand up for (measuring) vertical inequality

Published on Oxfam America’s Politics of Poverty blog

Global development leaders need better data to keep their eyes on the 1%.

150px-Cat_post2015How should the world measure and address inequality for a post 2015 development framework?

This question was the focus of last week’s forum at the Center for Global Development. The event was timely, given theUnited Nations General Assembly is convening this week in New York, and an important discussion concerns what will supersede the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) when they expire. Continue reading

15-Year-Old Thinking for Post-2015 Solutions on Inequality?

Published on Oxfam America’s Politics of Poverty blog

A serious critique of the new UN goals

The much-anticipated recommendations for a post-2015 agenda report is bold and full of optimism, as my Oxfam colleagues acknowledge (a welcome treat in an otherwise uncertain era). I especially like the authors’ certainty that we can eradicate extreme poverty from the earth by 2030. Continue reading